Juliana Navia

My name is Juliana Navia. I grew up in Northern Virginia, specifically in Arlington, and graduated in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. During my school years, I interned alongside my father, who has been in the insurance industry for a long time. This experience ignited my passion for the field, as I realized that with the right knowledge and a desire to learn, I could help others understand important insurance concepts.

I take great pleasure in educating people on why insurance matters. Sharing this knowledge and helping others navigate the complexities of insurance is something I find deeply fulfilling.

Family time is incredibly important to me. I love laughing and playing with my family, especially being around kids who are curious about everything. They teach me a lot, particularly the vital skill of patience.

In my free time, I enjoy singing and exploring new places. Staying in one place for too long just isn’t my style! You can often find me sipping tea, taking walks, and preparing for the week ahead.